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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 陶瓷 > 聚晶石800mmx800mm


发布日期:2008-08-08 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 陶瓷 - 地砖/广场砖 - 抛光砖
规格型号 800mmx800mm
地区 广东 - 佛山
详细链接 //www.kj-fs.com

聚晶石 规格:800mmx800mm 技术特点:采用领先的二次烧结技术和具有国际先进水平的全电脑多管道布料技术,将微晶玻璃复合在陶瓷玻化砖表面,经二次高温煅烧有机融合于一体,令产品强度、光泽度与表面晶莹质感达到一个高度. 产品特点:既具备优质玻化石的所有优良品质,同时又具备玻化石无法比拟的微晶质感,通体致密,平整规正,超高光泽度,超高强度,玉石般的质感,晶莹剔透;产品耐酸碱度、抗腐蚀性能、耐候性更为优越. 装饰效果:全面超越普通精工砖实施效果,与气度恢弘的时代背景互为映照.整体铺帖效果大气淋漓,纹理组合自成一体,远观辉煌华丽,近看精致奢华. 应用范围:顶级综合场所应用首选之作,适用于高级酒店、政企工程、豪华会所、高尚写字楼、别墅、私人府邸等场合. Glomerocryst Stone      <1> Size:     800mm*800mm      <2> Technical features: Adopts one-up quadratic sintering technique and possesses international advanced computer-controlled multi-barreled free material technique, it compounds glass-ceramic in the surface of vitrified tiles. It was fused organically by twice super-high temperature calcinations to reach the product of strength, glossiness, glittering and translucent certain quality of surface to a height.      <3> Product features: Not only have all excellent characters of fine vitrified stones, but also have the certain quality of crystallite which cannot compare with vitrified stones. Compact full body, level off, super-high glossiness and strength. It seems like a jade. The acid-resistance, alkali-resistance, anti-caustic and weather ability is more excellent than others’.      <4>Decorative effect: Exceed implementary effect of ordinary porcelain polished tiles entirely. It shines upon with a broad background. The whole tiling is grand. Texture combination has a style of its own. It feels illustrious and elegant by distance, but exquisite and silk-stocking by view.      <5>Application range: First choice for the top compositive institutions. Suitable for saloon bars、municipal and business projects、 luxury chambers,、gracious office buildings、villas、personal mansions, etc.


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