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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 电气 > 24KV户外柱上式真空断路器


发布日期:2010-09-03 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 电气 - 低压电器 高压电器
产品数量 200
地区 湖南 - 长沙

1、概述    ZW□-24﹙40.5﹚型戶外交流高压小型化真空断路器(以下简称断路器)是一种以真空作为灭弧介质,三相交流50Hz的高压电器设备,主要用于24(40.5)kV级高压输配电系统分合额定电流及故障电流。尤其适用于频繁操作的场所。本断路器符合IEC56《高压交流断路器》,GB/T1984-1989《交流高压断路器》等相关标准。 1、 General presentation ZW□-24(40.5) AC outdoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker is a high voltage electric equipment which use vacuum as its arc extinguish device and three pole,50Hz.The breaker used in 24(40.5)kV high voltage distribution system for open and close rating current and failure current,especially used to suits the place which operated often .The breaker’s standards have to in accordance with IEC56,GB/T 1984-1989 2、 断路器的主要技术参数见表 2、Main technical parameter 序号 项目 (subject) 单位 (unit) 数值 (value) 1 额定电压(Rating voltage) KV 24(40.5) 2 额定频率(Rating frequency) Hz 50 3 额定电流(Rating current) A 1600 4 额定绝缘水平(Rating insulation level) KV 65(95) 125(185) 5 额定短路开断电流(Rated short circuit breaking current) KA 20 25 31.5 6 额定短路开断电流开断次数(Rated short circuit breaking time) 次 20 7 额定短路开合电流(峰值)Rated short circuit O/C current(peak) KA 50 63 80 8 额定峰值耐受电流(Rated withstand current in peak value KA 50 63 80 9 额定短时耐受电流/短路持续时间(4s) (Rated short time withstand current/short circuit continuance time(4s) 20 25 31.5 10 额定电容器组开断电流(Rated capacity breaking current)   400 11 额定操作顺序(Rated operation ranking) A 分0.3s合分180s合分 O-0.3s-co-180s-co 12 全开断时间(Total breaking time) S 0.1 13 合闸时间(Close time) Ms T≤120 14 分闸时间(Breaking time) Ms T≤60 15 机械寿命Mechanical lifecycle 次 10000 16 动静触头允许磨损累计厚度Activity connector allowed fret thickness Mm 3 17 重量Weight kg 600   3、断路器配CT□型弹簧操动机构 3、Breaker assembled CT□ type spring operation device 4、主要特点 该小型化户外真空断路器是在原ZW7-24(40.5)型断路器的基础上改进的,具有体积小,重量轻,外型美观,所用真空灭弧室为新设计的小型化灭弧室,并采用了软包封技术,放置在由户外环氧树脂压制成型的绝缘支柱壳体内,电流互感器和支柱瓷瓶合二为一,也采用户外环氧树脂压制成型,另外断路器的弹操机构的储能减速箱为一个密封整体,从而提高了操动机构的可靠性。 4、Character The breaker has improved based on ZW7-24(40.5)breaker.It has smallest cubage,light,and perfect externality.Vacuum are extinguish chamber use soft packaging technology and installed in insulation support shell,which made by outdoor epoxy resin and current transformer combine porcelain support,which made by outdoor epoxy resin as well.In addition, the power storage of spring operation device airproof for improves reliable of operation device.


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