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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 合作信息 > 板材 > 防火铝塑板厂家寻找出口合作伙伴!


发布日期:2008-10-18 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 板材 - 铝塑板
规格型号 1220*2440*4
产品数量 1000000
地区 广东 - 广州

因业务发展,本公司长期寻找出口合作伙伴!有铝塑板出口经验的朋友请和我们联系! 本公司铝塑板已经远销俄罗斯、中东、美国、土耳其、澳大利亚、巴西、马来西亚、印尼、越南、新加坡、印度等60多个国家 公司子品牌:金大莱,星和,南洋,名仕,奥马仕,加泰,卡特尔,APM,TNN等 铝塑板 产品类型: PVDF氟碳、聚脂、岗纹、镜面、防火铝塑板,外贸OEM铝塑板,出口铝塑板。  Aluminum composite panel is a kind of new building material for interior or exterior decoration such as curtain walling and sign board. It is composed of colored aluminum sheets with a polyethylene core. By the fact that it is a complex of merits of metal and plastic, its popularity has been increasing. Generally speaking, it has the following key features: 1) Light weight 2) Perfect appearance 3) Weather resistance 4) Corrosion resistance 5) Impact resistance 6) Easy to maintain Based on the features above, it has unique advantages over some traditional decoration materials such as stone, glass, timber and ceramic tile. Therefore, the future for aluminum composite panels shines. We are delivering a customer value. We always provide our customers with 1) Quality products 2) Best prices 3) Professional services 4) Excellent credibility I would like very much to do business with your company. For more information about our company and products, please log on our website at directly contact me by Email: chx88551218@gmail.com, Tel: 8620-88551218 or 8613631327288, Thank you very much! I look forward to hearing from you!


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