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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 楼梯 > 室内不锈钢栏杆扶手,玻璃门不锈钢拉手, 不锈钢玻璃门

室内不锈钢栏杆扶手,玻璃门不锈钢拉手, 不锈钢玻璃门

发布日期:2008-07-18 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 楼梯 - 楼梯配件
规格型号 850mm
产品数量 20000
地区 广东 - 佛山
详细链接 //www.Yu-chia.com.cn

Yu-chia always provides best services for all the customers many years, after continuous improvement, now it is a flexible service organization with spirit of "customer first, market second”. Not only various production in Yu-chia Foshan, but also with famous reputation. Besides traditional business, we create new products for the new markets and offer diversified services. Yu-chia Foshan promises to provide excellence quality and valuable product items. Nowadays, the second generation families use conventional construction hardware as modular system, guardrail, door pull, and guardrail system for the standard and professional design in broadly stainless steel, wood and coat carbon steel field.


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