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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 防水 > 船舶用矿酯/矿脂油性防腐胶带13802173080


发布日期:2011-02-13 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 防水 - 防腐材料 - 防腐胶带
地区 天津

船舶用抗蚀保护带 (船用防腐带)

船舶专用管道抗蚀保护防腐胶带(船舶用矿酯防腐胶带,矿脂油性防腐带,船用防腐油带)是一种基于处于最恶劣的腐蚀环境- 海水中管道的防腐蚀的特殊要求而发明的一种具有优异防腐蚀性能的矿酯防腐胶带。适用于轮船中任何规则和不规则形状的金属管道和管件、法兰、阀门的防腐蚀工作。该种胶带组成稳定,不固化、不硬化、不开裂,适应温度变化范围大的工件的热胀冷缩,具有优异的可塑性和柔韧性,不含有任何挥发物,对人体和环境无任何毒害。它可以直接在水中和潮湿的环境中操作和使用,操作极其简单、安全、方便、高效、可靠。此系统包括: 胶带,胶泥,油膏,外保护带,可以根据具体的需要选择其中的组合。该系统完全符合国际船业的标准要求。常用名称:船舶用防腐胶带, 矿酯油性防腐胶带, 矿脂油性防腐带,

性能 :
(平均厚度):1.2 mm  每卷长度: 10 米
(重量):  约1.3-1.4 kg/ M²    
(延伸率):  20%     (使用温度):5-55 ºC

国际标准宽度    国际 IMPA序列号            国际ISSA 序号    卷 / 箱
50mm                   81.24.71                               75.550.01             36         
100mm                 81.24.72                               75.550.02             18
150mm                 81.24.73                               75.550.03             12 
200mm                 81.24.74                               75.550.04             8
300mm                 81.24.75                               75.550.05             6  
矿酯油膏              81.24.81                               75.551.01
矿酯胶泥(填充腻子)  81.24.83                        75.551.02

中油海泰公司         中国天津工厂地址:天津市西青区工业园
电话:13920957586    电子邮件:usawrap@yahoo.com     传真:022-23668932
*  中油海泰公司为唯一一个在中国生产该种船舶专用防腐胶带产品的生产厂家,产品主要为出口,同国际市场价格相比,价格具有极大的优势,供货及时,质量可靠,在国内市场上占有100%的市场占有率。在国际市场上达到80%。为国内/国际上公认质量最好的船舶用防腐胶带产品!

Petrolatum Anticorrosive Tape

Petrolatum Anticorrosive Tape is specially designed for use on vessel. It is a neutral petrolatum based system designed to isolate all metal surface. It is developed for long-life protection against corrosion and the water-proofing of pipes, flanges and valves for marine use and the most severe atmospheric, buried and submerged metal surfaces. Anticorrosive Tape has a high degree of conformability which allows for application over irregular surface profiles in ships. It is non-toxic and no V.O.C. The tape offers stability in composition and plasticity over a wide temperature range, Non- hardening and non-cracking, highly resistant to acids, alkalis and salts. It can be used very simply. The system includes tape, paste, mastic. Other Names: Anti-corrosive tape , Petrolatum Tape, Petro wrap, Petro tape.
Thickness:   1.2 mm
Weight:  1.4 kg/M²
Elongation:   20%
Temperature:  5-55 ºC
The following is the code of Petrolatum tapes:
Width                                          IMPA CODE                ISSA CODE
50mm                                            81.24.71                        75.550.01
100mm                                          81.24.72                        75.550.02
150mm                                          81.24.73                        75.550.03
200mm                                          81.24.74                        75.550.04
300mm                                          81.24.75                        75.550.05

Petrolatum Paste: A primer for increasing the adhesion of Anticorrosive Tape
 Paste                                             81.24.81                          75.551.01
Petrolatum Mastic: Filler on the uneven surfaces.
Mastic                                           81.24.83                          75.551.02

Please inquire CNPetro Hi-Tech Company(Tianjin) for detailed information:
Mr. Yu  (Tianjin cell phone: 0086-13920957586)
E-mail: usawrap@yahoo.com    Fax: 022-23668932


沥青密封封舱胶带是特别被设计为专门用于船舶的舱口密封的胶带。沥青封舱带以橡胶改性沥青作为胶层,以聚乙烯片材为背膜,大大提高了粘结性能和密封性能,使用起来更加便利和简单。该类胶带有标准卷状胶带。在使用的时候,只需根据具体应用的情况而剪取合适长度的胶带, 更加便於用户有效地节约利用胶带和储存胶带。它们的设计和使用方法根据实际情况的不同而改变。以下列出几种规格型号,以供参考。关于产品的详细信息和正确使用的方法,请在使用前详细咨询制造商或经销商。船舶用沥青封舱胶带, 沥青胶带,封舱带, 沥青封舱胶带, 封舱胶带,Hatch cover tape, Hatch cover sealing tape, Bitumen tape,
Hatch cover sealing bitumen tape。防腐胶带厚度:1.6 – 4.0 毫米,宽度:75、100、150毫米。

沥青封舱带  厚度×宽度×长度                            IMPA 序列号

1.6mm×75mm ×20 mtr                                             23.24.51
1.6mm×100mm×20 mtr                                            23.24.52
1.6mm×150mm×20 mtr                                            23.24.53

中油海泰公司         中国天津工厂地址:天津市西青区工业园
电话:13920957586    电子邮件:usawrap@yahoo.com     传真:022-23668932

Hatch Cover Sealing Bitumen Tape

Sealant Tape for hatch covers on board vessels. It can protect your valuable cargo against seawater and it can withstand the harshest conditions with a watertight seal. The tape is available in ROLLS (width 3", 4", 6"), its design and excellent performance varies between width. Other Names: Hatch cover tape, Hatch cover sealing tape, Bitumen tape, Hatch cover sealing bitumen tape.

Hatch cover
Jointed parts
Cover  cracks
Flexible PE backing
Excellent adhesion
No remains on removal
Good adhesion on hot & cold weather
Several series are shown below as a reference. For application, please inquire to either the manufacturer in China Tianjin or the local distributor.

Thickness × Width ×Length                                 IMPA CODE
1.6mm  ×75mm   ×20 mtr                                         23.24.51
1.6mm  ×100mm ×20 mtr                                         23.24.52
1.6mm  ×150mm ×20 mtr                                         23.24.53

Please inquire CNPetro Hi-Tech Company(Tianjin) for detailed information:
Mr. Yu (Tianjin cell phone: 0086-13920957586)
E-mail: usawrap@yahoo.com    FAX:022- 23668932


联系人 禹国新 经理
联系电话 13802173080/022-23668932
Email chinawrap@yahoo.com
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