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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 采暖 > 双层百叶风口FK-SB


发布日期:2009-11-30 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 采暖 - 空气能壁挂炉
产品数量 10000
地区 广东 - 广州


FK-DB series grilles
Serial shutter inlet ports are usually installed on the pipe or the sidewall to use as side inlet port. There are two layers of adjustable shifting vanes in the double layered shutter inlet port The short one is used to adjust the angle of flare of the blowing airflow and to shift the direction of the airflow while adjusting the long one can make the blowing airflow affix the ceiling joist or descend at an angle (when blowing warm wind). The outside vane of the double layered shutter inlet port or the vane of the single shutter inlet port can be parallel either to the long edge or to the short edge, which is being to adjusted to the needs of customers.
Double grille:
1,The use of the adjustable double-layered vanes can bring different blowing distances and different angles of flare.
2,Use as inlet port
3,Be made of Aluminum or iron
4,Be used together with adjusting valve
5,With a sealed spongy gasket
Single grille:
1,The use of the adjustable single-layered vanes can bring different blowing distances and different angles of flare.
2,Use as inlet port or outlet port
3,Be made of Aluminum or iron
4,As a blowing inlet port, it is used with adjusting valve.
5,As a blowing outlet port, it can be made a structure easy to open and be used with a gauze filter.
6,With a sealed spongy gasket


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