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发布日期:2010-12-13 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 机械
规格型号 LDXW-250
产品数量 10
地区 山东 - 济南
详细链接 //www.xinwuyue.com


铝型材万能端面铣床LDXW-250 Alu-profile Universale End router LDXW-250 ◆用于铝门窗型材端面的加工 ◆大型工作台、大走刀行程。一次可加工6至10根型材 ◆位置可调整的多片刀具,使得更换产品时不必更换刀具,从而节约生产准备周期和刀具费用 ◆根据不同的型材,多组刀可以同时工作也可以单独工作 ◆更大的刀具直径,使加工面质量更好 ◆液压阻尼气缸推动刀具进给,工作更平稳 ◆加厚的型材压板,防止型材变形   The machine is used for the process of aul doors and windows and plastics profiles. The large-scale working tables. and route can process 6 to 10profiles. The movable cutter axle can save the toos when renewing the production, so can save the production cycle and charge, According to the different profiles, many groups of tools can work synchronously or seperately.Larger tools can make better quality. The slip hydraulic dampers promot the moving of the cutting tools and make their working more smoothly. The deep profiles can precent the transfigure.


联系人 张经理
联系电话 0531-88268516
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