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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 机械 > 数控钢筋弯箍机


发布日期:2008-06-07 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 机械
规格型号 prime12
地区 天津

Technology comparison l        箍筋的传统加工工艺一般是利用单机将盘圆钢筋经过调直、切断、弯箍等工序而分步实现。其工艺较为落后,不能满足现代施工进度的需要,且大量浪费钢材、占用较大的空间、用工多、生产率低、箍筋尺寸精度和形状精度差。 l        In traditional stirrup processing technology: stirrup is formed step-by-step by simple machine from coiled wire , according to the following phases: straightening, cutting and bending. l        数控弯箍机采用CNC计算机数字控制,自动快速完成钢筋调直、定尺、弯箍、切断。该机效率明显,可代替20---30名钢筋工人,它是欧洲钢筋成型加工业诞生的第一种自动化机械,率先进入市场,中国将会与世界同步。 l        Automatic stirrup bending machine, controlled by CNC, quickly and automatically activates as follows :measuring, straightening, cutting and bending ,with high efficiency, instead of 20—30 workers, which is the first automatic machine in Europe steel forming industry and is coming to China firstly too. 结构性能特点: Mechanical features 调直系统:由水平和垂直的可自动调节的两套矫直轮组成(专有技术),再结合4个牵引轮(专有技术),由伺服电机来驱动,可确保钢筋的矫直达到最好的精度。 The particular patented straightening system, constituted by sets of horizontal and vertical rollers that can be automatically adjusted, is integrated with 4 pulling rollers that eliminate the torsion, which is driven by servomotor , thus ensuring a perfect straightening accuracy.   弯曲和剪切机构(专有技术):由伺服电机来驱动,弯曲臂可快速旋转和伸缩,剪切机构在接到信号后瞬间启动并完成剪切动作,确保钢筋成型精度。 The bending and cutting unit , driven by servomotor, is equipped with turning and retractile bending pins. After received a signal from computer, the cutting unit starts and cut in the twinkling, guaranteed the tolerance of the stirrup.   上料系统:本机型配有两个放线架,可适合于单线和双线加工,由计算机控制、电机驱动和制动来调节放线速度。每个放线架上专门设计了一个弹簧机构以缓冲放线过程中的阻力和不稳定性(专有技术)。 The feeding system from coil of this model ,for single or double strand, by means of two motorized and braked pay-offs, is controlled by computer to adjust the feeding speed. A particular patented designed spring unit with each pay-off can reduce the resistance and instability.   控制系统:该机采用CNC,其中PLC、伺服电机、减速机等关键性电器元件均选用日本、德国等国际名牌产品; l        可设计30个弯角以内的任何形状的箍筋和轮廓形钢筋,可储存500种不同的产品形状, 已经存有钢筋形状的程序可再调出进行生产安排,并比例性的显示在计算机屏幕上,; l        能够连续生产任何形状的产品,而不需要机械上的调整;在修正弯曲角度时也不需要中断加工; l        具有自动诊断功能和2个标准输出口RS232/RS422,便于连接代码读数器。 For this CNC stirrup bender , many electric and pneumatic parts are imported from Japan and German, such as PLC, servomotor and reducer. l        A stirrup available to the most 30 bends; 500 different stirrups parameter can be stored in the computer memory and also can be automatically recalled and used according to the wire to be processed, which will be rational displayed on the screen. l        The machine needs no pause and stop while processing stirrups of any shapes and adjusting bending angle. l        With self-diagnosis ,there are two standard exit ,throngh which the electric encoder can be joined. 技术参数 Technical data


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