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PVC覆膜平开窗tectorial PVC side-hun

发布日期:2006-10-10 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 门窗 - 金属门窗 - 不锈钢门
产品数量 0
地区 广东 - 广州
详细链接 张小姐:13719219101

PVC覆膜平开窗客户可根据自己的喜好而选择不同的颜色;可大面积开启,配合不锈钢的摩擦铰链,可以使窗户打开90度,以便于清洁窗户的外面。多锁点及优质密封胶条,密封、防水、隔音、安全可靠.排水系统设计,防止风吹造成雨水和灰尘的进入。The customer who would like PVC-coating and side-hung windows can choose different colors as they like. it can widely open to 90degree operating with the stainless steel friction hinge, so that it is easy to clear outside. multi-locking and good sealing rubber strip which insure good-sealing, water-proof, noise-proof, safe and reliable. drainage design can prevent rain and dust into the house when it is heavy wind.


联系人 张小姐
联系电话 020-82325212
Email luhaitian@luhaitian.
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