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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 五金 > 销售玻璃纤维隐形窗纱


发布日期:2010-01-26 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 五金 - 其他 - 铁丝网
规格型号 18*16mesh 幅宽0.6-2.8M
产品数量 100万㎡
地区 北京

  经纬密度(根/英寸): 18X16 18X1416X1414X1420X208X8 等。
  丝径: 0.011英寸和0.013英寸
  材: 玻璃纤维外涂PVC 、化纤外涂PVC
  涂量: 35%50%65%70% 等。
  幅宽范围: 12英寸----110英寸。
Fiberglass ulterior window screening
Fiberglass ulterior window screening manufactured by our company is different from various kind of traditional window screening, which is produced by special process and using the technology of American FEIFU Company.

The main capability and features of fiberglass ulterior window screening are: proofing chemical corrosion of acid, alkali, etc. resisting light-aging and weather problems; high strength of tensile; dust proofing; flame proofing, static and ultraviolet resistant; low coefficient of heating expansion and coldness shrink, proper meshes, good capability of permeating air, high rate of permeating light, good fastness, non-move of warp and woof, beautiful façade, durable quality, and easy washing.
 The ulterior window screening has not only been widely generalized in foreign countries, but also well spread in developed cities of our country in resent years. It is well used in hotel, office building, villa and advanced dwelling! It is widely used in architecture, pasture, garden, various kinds of air-exchange equipment in vegetable shed, and net for protecting against insect and mosquito.
The main specification:
grey, black, white, grey and white, green, brown, etc.
Density of warp and woof (piece/inch): 18x16, 18x14, 16x14, 14x14, 20x20, 8x8 etc.
Histological structure: plain
Diameter of thread: 0.011inch and 0.013 inch
Material: fiberglass coated with PVC, chemical fiber coated with PVC
Amount of plastic cover: 35%, 50%, 65%, 70%, etc.
Width range: 12-110inch
1. fiberglass plain weaving invisible window screening (type of fireproofing)
2. polyester fiber plain weaving ulterior window screening (type of high intensity)
Note: we could produce according to the customers’ requests on specifications!


联系人 王文彦
Email shenzhou_one@163.com
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