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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 板材 > 建筑用木胶板


发布日期:2009-11-14 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 板材 - 建筑模板
规格型号 1220mm*2440mm*9mm
产品数量 500000
地区 山东 - 临沂
详细链接 木胶板



The product makes use of modified urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive, and is suitable for use indoor and outdoor. The phenol-formaldehyde resin membrane covered on the surface has the characteristics of wear resistance, corrosion resistance and high strength; and can enhance the concrete surface quality, realize the construction method of fair-faced concrete, and create the required formwork conditions. The product has the advantages of high-temperature resistance, high-pressure resistance, water resistance, small deformation, high strength, low weight, high times of turnover, convenient dismantle, and small demolding and mold-cleaning workload. And it is the preferred material for concrete construction of bridges, tall buildings and building trades. 


联系人 王泰宝
联系电话 15006600008
Email mhmy_2002@126.com
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