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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 新型建材 > 中性胶


发布日期:2009-10-09 查看次数:1173


有效期 长期
类 别 新型建材 - 新型防水 - 钢板加固建筑胶
规格型号 300ml
产品数量 10000
地区 广东 - 深圳

“美氏793A”耐候硅酮密封胶是一种中性固化的密封胶:1)不腐蚀基材;2)固化收缩率低;3)在低温(-45°C)至高温(+150°C)内保持一致弹性;4)柔软抗震,耐变形;5)适合于玻璃,铝材,石材,混凝土,砖瓦,陶瓷,塑料间的非结构性粘结密封. 说明: 1)施工温度在5℃~40℃之间; 2)用两块布法清洁基材; 3)将胶嘴按需要的大小做45°切断; 4)将胶打满接缝处 5)约25分钟结皮. 重要: 1)使用前请做材料相容性测试; 2)不用于结构性装配或表面温度(45°C)以上的材料; 3)不用于渗出油污或溶剂的材料. 注意: 远离儿童! 避免接触眼睛和皮肤! 如有接触,请用水冲洗;仍然不适的请就医检查. 执行标准:GB/T14683-2003 保质期:7个月(<24℃) “MEISHI793A” Weather proofing silicone sealant is a neutral cure  silicone sealant:1)Not corrosion to the materials;2)Low shrinkage on curing;3)Keep elastic in low(-45℃) and high(+150℃) temperatures; 4)High grade soft,be able to bear oscillation; 5)Suitable for glass,aluminum  material,stone,concrete,brick,ceramic,plastic,non-structural sealing. DIRECTIONS: 1)Construcation applycabie between 5℃~40℃; 2)Substrates should be solvent cleaned using two clothes method; 3)Cut the nozzle to desired opening at 45°angle ; 4)Fill the joint completely; 5)Formation of skin in 25 minutes. IMPORTANT: 1)Please do materal compatibility testing before use; 2)Do not use in structural applications or where surface temperatures exceed 45℃ for materialsafety; 3)Incompatible oozing out oily or solvents. PRECAUTIONS: Keep out of the reach of children! Avoid contact with eyes and skin! In case of contact,flush with lot water;If still indisposed,consult a doctor. STANDARS: GB/T14683-2003. DURABILITY: 7 Months(<24℃).                                                                                                                                                                                深圳.美氏康宁胶业  


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