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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 木业 > 竹线条,竹门线条板,竹线条板,竹装饰线条板


发布日期:2010-06-08 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 木业 - 木线
规格型号 2550*1250*3-500mm
产品数量 100000立方米
地区 湖南 - 益阳
详细链接 www.chinathj.com

    我公司专业生产各种竹制产品,如竹地板、竹集成材、竹家具板、竹板材、竹面板、竹单板、竹线条板,竹木线条材料、竹门窗线条材料、竹刨切贴面材料、竹薄片,竹皮,微薄竹,竹刨切片。   竹集成材又叫竹家具板、竹板材、竹面板、竹单板,是由一片片或一根根竹条经胶合压制而成的方材和板材,具有卓越的物理力学性能,并且具有吸水膨胀系数小、不干裂和不变形的优点。   “桃花江”牌竹集成材是将竹精铣片科学叠加,用环保胶在高温高压状态下集合成不同规格的板材,其硬度可达32HB(榉木24HB),密度高每cm3达0.79g(榉木0.63g),抗压强度达1271kg/cm2(榉木≤600kgs),竹集成材以优越的物理性能广泛应用于建材、运输设备、体育设施、家具行业,经久耐用,美观大方。 “桃花江”牌竹集成材规格:     长度:≤2500mm     宽度:≤1250mm     高度:3—500mm   Bamboo Plywood(Bamboo Panel、Bamboo Furniture Board) is a kind of bamboo board or square made by pressing slices or pieces of bamboo toghter, which has good characters of anti-press(pull) and small contractibility, It can be used widely, such as construction and real estate, furniture etc. Bamboo Plywood is primarily exported to the European market, used widely in the decoration of home, office and different kinds of public places. Its function is similar to the currently popular material-plywood. We can make speciffic types of bamboo Plywood according to the need of our customers. To meet our client's needs, we carry a full line of paneling for interior design and furniture. The size is: Length: ≤2500mm Wideth: ≤1250mm Thickness: 3~500mm The frame can be: Horizontal &Vertical or according to the client's requirement.


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