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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 灯具 > CBD58系列隔爆型防爆灯


发布日期:2011-03-21 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 灯具 - 商业照明 - 防爆灯
规格型号 CBD58
产品数量 1000
地区 浙江 - 温州

 CBD58系列隔爆型防爆灯(ⅡB)   适用范围 Application  1区、2区危险场所。                                 Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.  ⅡA、ⅡB、IIC类爆炸性气体环境。               Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere.  可配装白炽灯、汞灯、高压钠灯、金卤灯。       Suitable for incandescent lamp,mercury vapor lamp,                                                              high-pressure sodium vapor lamp,metal halide lamp.  可按用户要求配装灯伞。                            Can be install lamp vover according to user's requitemnt. 型号含义 Model implication   产品特点 Features  铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑                                  Diecasted aluminium alloy shell with 压铸成型,结构紧凑,外形美观。                         Pressure-casted frmation,compact structure and aesthetic appearance. 采用碟型活节螺栓紧固,能快速开启,便于维修。      Suspension type thumb nut is used for fastening so that it can be quickly 钢管布线。                                                     opened up and is conventient for maintenance.                                                                Suitable for steelpipe. 符合GB3836-2000.IEC60079标准要求.               Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. 主要技术参数 Main technical parameters              防爆标志          防护等级           电缆外径(¢,mm)        进线口螺纹(G")         灯座代号            质量(kg)                   Ex-mark      Protection       Cable's outside         Inlet's thread          Lamp socket        Mass                                            grade              diameter                Exd Ⅱ B t4          IP54                10~14                        3/4                      E40                  1.8             配用光源 Supplied with lamps            光源类型                自汞灯                     白炽灯             高压汞灯              高压钠灯            金卤灯        Lamp type      Self-ballasted mercuty        Incandesent lamp       Mercurypor lamp      Hi-Presssure   Metal halide lamp                              Vapor lamp                                                                                            sodium lamp              额定功率(w)                    450                              300                      400                        400                        400              Rated power                                                                                                                                                                            额定电压(V)          Rated voltage                                                         220V/50Hz  外形及安装举例 Outline and mounting example                                                  吊杆式(g) Pendant                       吸顶式(x) Ceiling                 吊杆式(g) Pendant                         吸顶式(x) Ceiling                        配光曲红cd/1000lm      


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