有效期 | 长期 |
类 别 | 铝型材 |
规格型号 | 齐全 |
产品数量 | 大量 |
地区 | 广东 - 佛山 |
详细链接 | //www.fs-jintai.cn |
佛山金钛铝业有限公司地处中国铝材之都--佛山市南海区。是一家专业设计、生产和销售家具橱柜铝材、移门铝材、地板铝材及各种工业异型材的企业。 公司本着“以品质求发展,以诚信创品牌,以质量为保证”的经营理念,以技术、质量、服务为竞争基础,争创国际一流品牌。经营目标: 创国际一流品牌 造行业顶尖产品经营理念: 以技术求发展 以诚信创品牌 以质量为保证企业精神: 敢于希望 勇于创新 Aluminum of and titanium corporation of Guangdong Limited located in China titanium aluminum capital-Foshan City Nanhai District. It is the company with professional design,production and sale of furniture aluminum cabinets,aluminum sliding door,floor and all kinds of industtrial aluminum.quantity for development,faith casts the brand and quality assurance are company philosophy.Company"s goals are Creating domestic and international first-class brand Based on the best technology,quality and service. Our goal: Creating world-class brand and manufacting industry"s top products Our belidf: quantity for development,faith for brand and quality for assurance Our spirit: Dare to drem and Courage to innovate