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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 铝型材 > 活动隔断,酒店隔断,屏风隔墙,移动门,推拉门


发布日期:2011-02-19 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 铝型材 - 建筑铝型材
规格型号 65,85,100
产品数量 99999999
地区 广东 - 广州
详细链接 //www.qunyigeduan.cn

1.群艺活动隔断系列是一种最时尚的隔墙体产品,它将会根据你的需求,把空间灵活分隔,让你的经营场所带来无限的使用效益。 2.该产品地面上无需地轨,只需将道轨吊挂与天花板上,由天花悬挂系统受力,与装饰天花持平; 3.每件产品连接后相互扣牵,安全稳固,不会出现左右摆动; 4.隔音效果好,最大降低隔音系数可达60db; 5.隔热防火性能强,本产品所制作材料均采用国际标准防火材料; 6.饰面可根据墙体和个人爱好自由搭配 7.收藏灵活,推动轻巧,一个人可在短时间内完成整个隔断操作; 8.应用范围广,广泛应用于酒店、宴会厅、包间、会议厅,办公室等场所。 1. The product is one of the most stylish of the partition of products, It will be based on your needs, flexible space separated. Let your undertakings bring efficiency in the use of unlimited. 2. The products on the ground on need the track, simply Road, rail and hanging on the ceiling.The partition is on a line with the ceiling. 3. Meijianchanpin connection led by the deduction of mutual security, will not be around swinging; 4.Good effect of soundproof ,the highest factor to reduce noise up to 60 db; 5. Fire-insulation properties, this product materials produced by the use of international standards of fire prevention materials; 6. Facing the wall and under the freedom-loving individuals with; 7. Favourites flexibility, and promote compact, a person can be partition in a short period of time to complete the operation; 8. A wide range of applications, widely used in hotels, banquet hall, rooms, conference rooms, offices and other places.


联系人 何小姐
联系电话 020-28659048
Email icq361@163.com
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