有效期 | 长期 |
类 别 | 吊顶 - 龙骨 |
规格型号 | 无 |
产品数量 | 1000 |
地区 | 广东 - 广州 |
详细链接 | //www.henryjc.com |
广州市恒为建材有限公司是集研究,开发,生产,销售安装于一体的高科技企业,属下有广州市恒为石膏板厂,广州市恒为铝质天花板厂,广州市恒为牌轻钢龙骨厂,广州市恒为牌石膏线条厂。公司产品以科技和环保著称,无论天花及墙体材料及龙骨,均有高科技含量,是无毒,无污染,无放射性的真正环保绿色材料!恒为,以人为本,用科技创造价值,以品质取信于用户,以诚信广交朋友!恒为建材,享誉中华。 Description: Guangzhou Henry building material Co.,ltd is a high-tech enterprise, which is an teregration of research,development, manufacture, selling installation. Guangzhou Henry thistle plaster board factory, Guangzhou Henry aluminium alloy ceiling board factory, Guangzhou Henry light steel joist factory, Guangzhou Henry plaster line factory are itssub-companies. The product is famous for its high technology and environment prodtction. Not only ceiling and brattishing body material but also joists are high-thch product. They are genuine innoxiousgreen building material without pollution or radioactivity.