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彩涂卷 KBG

发布日期:2009-09-01 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 新型建材 - 新特建材
规格型号 颗粒
产品数量 10000
地区 河北 - 沧州

任丘市万科建材有限公司坐落于风景如画的"华北明珠"白洋淀湖畔——河北省任丘市,地处冀中平原腹地,背靠首都北京,东邻天津‘西接保定。国家南北大动脉京九铁路纵贯南北、106国道、津保公路交叉穿行其间。地理位置优越,交通十分便利      公司系股份制高新技术企业。主要是集研制、开发冷轧、镀锌、彩涂、钢结构、钢管、金属幕墙板材、KBG、JDG电气安装用刚性金属平导管、轻钢龙骨等产品为一体的现代化新型建材专业厂家。      万科追求的企业宗旨是“质量为本,信誉为天,文化价值观是:厚德载物、建行万息。      万科的使命是:做优秀的企业,创中国建材辉煌。      Wanke building Material Co.,LTD.is located on the side of Baiyangdian Lake ,which is called "the Pearl of North China".Renqiu City has all the transport facilities and geographical position is advantageous .The company is located in the heart of the Jizhong-plain ,and Beijing is on its north,Tianjin is on its east,Baoding is on its west.The Beijing-Kowloon Railway,Road 106,Tianjin-Baoding Highway all go through the city.      It's a Joint-stock company of high-tech enterprise.It's a modern new building materials manufacturers,which is specialized in the field of research and development of cold-rolled steel,colorful and galvanized plate,steel pipe,sheet metal walls,rigid metal duct using in electrial installation,lightgage steel joist,etc.      The tenet of the buiness pursuiting by Vwanke is"quality for fundamentality,reputation for days",cultural values are:"Social Commitment , hardworking and prosperity".     Vanke's mission is:to do good business,a brilliant Chinese building materials.     Vanke spirit:brand,responsibility,integrity,enterprising.   


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